• Multiflora roses, known scientifically as Rosa multiflora, are renowned for their delicate and profuse blooms, which captivate gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike. These small but abundant flowers typically appear in charming white or pale pink clusters, creating a striking visual display.
  • Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia is renowned for its breathtaking collection of Hybrid Tea Roses, which are a delightful highlight for visitors. These roses are celebrated for their elegant, high-centered blooms and vibrant color palettes, ranging from soft pastels to vivid reds and yellows.
  • Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia is renowned for its breathtaking collection of Hybrid Tea Roses, which are a delightful highlight for visitors. These roses are celebrated for their elegant, high-centered blooms and vibrant color palettes, ranging from soft pastels to vivid reds and yellows.
  • Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia is renowned for its breathtaking collection of Hybrid Tea Roses, which are a delightful highlight for visitors. These roses are celebrated for their elegant, high-centered blooms and vibrant color palettes, ranging from soft pastels to vivid reds and yellows.
  • Gibbs Gardens in North Georgia is renowned for its breathtaking collection of Hybrid Tea Roses, which are a delightful highlight for visitors. These roses are celebrated for their elegant, high-centered blooms and vibrant color palettes, ranging from soft pastels to vivid reds and yellows.